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Visar 13 st produkter

  • Att arbeta säkert med höga tryck

    Att arbeta säkert med höga tryck

    En kostnadsfri webbutbildning om högtrycksspolning. Om hur man förebygger arbetsolyckor och förslitningsskador samt skapar en trivsam och sund kultur på arbetsplatsen.

  • Everyday Fairness

    Everyday Fairness

    Everyday Fairness is an online course for people working or studying in the hospitality industry. It focuses on community and cooperation, and how everyone can work together to foster a good work environment. You also learn to handle difficult situations that can occur.

  • Handbook Systematic Work Environment Management

    Handbook Systematic Work Environment Management

    The handbook shows how work environment management can look like in practice at the workplace.

    210 kr

    exkl. moms

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  • Maskinkörkortet


    Maskinkörkortet är en webbutbildning som ger en baskompetens inom trä- och möbelindustrin. Det erbjuder ett enhetligt och kvalitetssäkrat system där alla lär sig samma sak och kan styrka sin kompetens med utbildningsbevis.

  • Organisational and Social Work Environment Introduction

    Organisational and Social Work Environment Introduction

    This is a digital course for those who want to learn more about the organisational and social work environment. It takes about 60 minutes to complete. You can take a break or return to an earlier section to repeat something at any time.

  • Organisational and social work environment, e-book

    Organisational and social work environment, e-book

    This book focus on the areas Work load, Working hours and Offensive unequal treatment.

    130 kr

    exkl. moms

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  • Safe Forestry Work

    Safe Forestry Work

    Safe Forestry Work is a basic work environment course focusing on risk assessment, the specific risks associated with the forestry industry and how to prevent and manage them. This course is also about how to work together to foster a good work environment and create a safety culture.

  • Safe on Set

    Safe on Set

    Safe on Set is a basic work environment training course for those working in or studying to work in film and TV production. It looks at how to prevent problems and manage risks, and how everyone in a production can cooperate in pursuit of a better work environment. The course is also available in Swedish.

  • The role of the manager and the safety representative

    The role of the manager and the safety representative

    If you are new as a manager or safety representative and also unfamiliar with the Swedish model and Swedish cooperation in the labor market, then this book is a must.

  • Work environment for managers

    Work environment for managers

    The purpose of this book is to enhance knowledge of work environment rules and methods that ensure safety and health in the workplace, create a good work environment and promote productivity.

  • Work Environment for Managers

    Work Environment for Managers

    To give managers the knowledge they need to comply with the statutory requirements for the work environment, so that they can feel confident that they are doing the right things.

    8.200 kr

    exkl. moms

    Utbildningsort: Distans

  • Work Environment for Managers – online

    Work Environment for Managers – online

    Are you a manager? A supervisor with line management responsibility? This online course provides you with the knowledge you need to work practically with the work environment.

    8.200 kr

    exkl. moms

  • Work Environment for managers (e-book)

    Work Environment for managers

    The book provides answers, guidance and a methodology for how to work on management issues in the work environment area.

    245 kr

    exkl. moms

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